One of those days when you ponder things. The rain does that to me sometimes.
I love the rain. I bought my tickets for the Matrix Reloaded this week, and on saturday, I'm goin. Must have watched the trailer
50 billion times, tis awesome. X-Men II was fabulous as well.
I quit my job on sunday. Just one of those things that I
had to do. It was a shitty job...the only thing I enjoyed there was the employee that looked like Dr. Carter from ER. His
name was Kevin. Sweet guy he was...always picked up my day. The guys there were awesome, they came over to talk to me, cheer
me up if they saw I was having a crap day. Cam, Owen, Dom, Kevin, Spartan Man(sorry, you didn't wanna wear
your nametag) I'll miss them, but hey, goodbye shit job.
Sunday Sunday Sunday.....Blind and Torn babay. Tickets are in my
hand right now. I got em a while back, but they haven't left my sight, even for a moment. Totally excited, and I know I won't
be disappointed.
Also, I was downloading some of the tracks from the Matrix Reloaded,
and I found this one...Furious Angels[instrumental] by Rob D. Awesome song. I usually despise all forms of techno, but Rob
D is a little different.....some of his songs anyways. I recommend: Furious Angels, I'm Not Driving Anymore, Clubbed to Death and
Born Yesterday. Great stuff folks. But I gotta jet, ER is supposed to be amazing tonight.
Breaking my silence. I figured that I could enjoy a few hours
at home alone, hearing nothing but the sounds of my computer, and the whirr of the fridge in the kitchen in the background.
Very nice...perfect evening. But just when I started to appreciate my silence, the family comes home.
-cut in thought-
I've learned to recognize and despise people that are fake. Don't act one way around me and
then venture off and change yourselves to fit in with other people. It should be fairly obvious that if you have to alter
yourself to fit in, then you shouldn't be hanging around those people. Or me.
Also, I'm giving up pop/sodas. I don't think there's a worse thing that a person
can drink. So, I'm deterring my addiction from sodas to juice. Hey, I like Fruitopia, Snapple, Ocean Spray...etc etc. I had
to run the "beep test" today,...and after being simply appalled by my results as compared to a few months ago or so, perhaps
my surrender of carbonated drinks and slurpees is for the best.
So today I saw a hypnotist, very very interesting. Very entertaining as
well. Wayne Lee. He was good, or so I think. I really don't believe in the entire hypnosis thingy...but watching people act
stupid is always fun. My first time seeing a hypnotist actually. Mostly because I was just never all that interested.
Thank goodness that the weekend is only a few hours or so away. I'm having a
hard time this week, being tired and whatnot. Weekend here I come.
I hate people...I really do. Sometimes the idea of becoming a hermit really
does appeal to me. Or working in a morgue. At least the people in the morgue can't find some way to offend, annoy or
just downright act stupid. It amazes me sometimes how someone(who you thought was intelligent at a time) can prove to you
in a matter of seconds that their brain, in fact, does not exist. I've seen it. More times than I'd like to. In that simple
moment that person could change my entire opinion of them...and even though I'd love to just say, "stop there, before you
make it worse"...it seems impossible.
And also, it's frustrating to me how some days it seems like
everything I say or do is put down. You feel almost as if you have to compete with them, and they're always right. Well just
a reality check for those people, you're not always right, but in denial. So much that those people won't even open their
minds to hear what to have to say, but assume that it's off the map before you even say it. It's never as simple as I'd like
to think it is. I like to read into things, see more to the situation. But am I the only one that thinks there are other ways?
Everyone seems to stuck on "their way" it's impossible to introduce new ideas.
Listening I thought was one of my strong points. Don't get me wrong, I
like to talk just as much as the next person. (perhaps a little too much at times) But I do listen. Anyways....I'm not
saying that I don't like listening, but it backfires. I become the role of the listener, and when it comes time for others
to listen...well, it never really happens. I'm also not saying that there aren't people there for me that are willing to listen(you
know who you are=)) but it's the people that aren't considerate enough to ask me how my day went, how I'm feeling, how I've
been. It's the people who complain about how others treat them, when they aren't willing to step it up and treat people the
way they themselves would like to be treated. I'm not trying to sound whiney, I hate whiners, it's just simply a fact of respect
for eachother. We're allowed to be angry at eachother, but it's those who get angry, but aren't willing to take the heat that
get to me. Those certain people who decide to complain that "so and so" has gotten angry, or has done one thing or another....and
yet, when they do the same thing right back, it's supposed to be ok? .....I really don't understand.
But that's ok, I just kinda soak it all in, occassionally rant, I
suppose that's why this is a long one, haven't done it in awhile. I'm one of those people who just tends to suck it up, and
then wonder why others can't. Everyone's problems are sooo bad, when they should just take that extra second, and think
logically about how to overcome it, instead of automatically giving up. We're supposed to be independant for a reason. A road
block pops up...out of no where. Do you automatically stop in front of it, sit down and cry, thinking that you'll never get
down that road again. No. You go through it, or think of another way to get around it. Simple as that. this has been a long
and annoying rant involving me complaining about others complaining. Thanks for listening...and goodnight.
Well I thought the good things weren't coming for awhile. The site was pretty much abandoned,
but with a little motivation and some amitriptilyne, things are on the mend. I still hate tripod with a passion, but I suppose
they're a sight for sore eyes as compared to some other servers out there. I only need so many headaches, and perhaps tripod
can give me the least for now, and I am way to poor to get a real server...so here goes a nothin again....School sucks, well
what there is of it. Next week off or so, and exams. Exams don't exactly rock my world, but once they're over I can resume
breathing. Listen to Moby's Extreme Ways..tis very good. I'm not a Moby fan, but check it out, it's worth it. That's all for
now folks, stay tuned...
Ok ok, enough, now stupid tripod is threatening to remove my site if I go over my bandwith
limit. That's stupid. There is no way in hell that I am gonna pay for extra bandwith from TRIPOD. I'm sorry, but there are
other servers out there that are 10 times better, and free. I should take my site elsewhere, but I don't want to, too much
time and effort went into this site.(yeah yea, doesn't look like it) But anyhoo, things aren't lookin too good, considering
that my site gets suspended 3 times a DAY for bandwith consumption. I'll be finding an email and contacting them, cause this
is just.....stupid. Then, I'll post it on the website somewhere so any of you can contact them too, be my guest. ARG.
Heh, MA! It's rantin time agin! Bah, 2 whole lousy days until
spring break. Where is the justice in that? So, Ima have to coast through the 2 days in preparation of more coasting. Today
was a real downer. All my classes were basically "Why am I here.....and how did I get here...oh that's right, I walked."
I first had to find my bio class. Everyone was walking right past the classroom, and then when I finally got to
my destination, I figured out why we were put somewhere else. My teacher was happy to inform the class that, "Class,
we've been moved to this classroom here because the mens washroom is somehow leaking into our regular classroom." SO THAT'S WHAT
THAT SMELL WAS! I tried to wake myself up somehow, I said to myself, "Self, you and me are going to have to do some serious
work now, come on..." Turns out, that's not at all what I did. I wrote notes all biology class long with my offhand,
heh, looks like only I'll be able to read them. Between the writings, I tossed around this balloon that my
teacher wanted us to smell. (yea, I dont get what she was trying to prove there either). AND ANOTHER THING......the
stupid font size wouldn't work, so I had to play around with all the font tags until it would.....grrr, retarded
tripod. Damnit, it's been a long day.
Okee, owies. Well, I'm stupid. I had a lovely basketball
game yesterday. Stupid me jumps up to stuff a girl(im short), I get bumped in the air, and then come down hard on the side
of my ankle. Brilliant. Well so I had to buy some crutches yesterday, sux0rs big time. I'm gimpin around here, and I've convinced
myself that I will play my semifinal bball game on Tuesday.(heh, wish me luck) Anyways, crutches are stupid too, I can tell
u that right now. First of all, mine are brand new, so they sound like suction cups on the floor. With every step I take it's
*thwuck* *thwuck*. Arg. Not to mention that I have some damn sore armpits today, another to add to the list. So..I figure
that Ima start saving up for a walker or wheelchair, I might need it sooner than I think. Ah fooey.
So last night, there waz nothing really good on TV,
I did watch BACKDRAFT again, sweet movie. I couldn't seem to stay awake though, but I couldn't sleep, too painful. Well, I
figured that some coffee might help me. WRONG, well maybe right. The caffine didn't keep me awake, but the bold taste of shit
sure did. That's enough to keep me awake for a week. I've tried coffee a number of times, and a number of kinds and flavours,
doesn't matter. Icky poo. Yea, so tv has been so bad lately, that I'm just about as disappointed as I am when I bite into
one of those nasty little brandy chocolates when I think it's caramel. Damn. So, yeah, I even have that digital cable,
and there is really nothing on. I forced myself to watch re-runs of The Fresh Prince of Bel Air. *shudder* Not to mention,
that as I'm typing this, there is a twisted little voice coming from the TV in the other room singing "Lookey lookey lookey,
here comes cookie!" ACK! What is this world coming to? Well, when all else fails, buy some twinkies.
02/20/02 (6:48pm)
Well well well, long time no rant eh? I have tons to rant about at the
moment. I am sore as hell, almost can't walk today, but what can u do I guess. Ima have to steal the wheelchair from
that bum down the road. I had a basketball game yesterday. First, some butch-ass she-male knocked me flat on my
ass, and to make matters worse, she kicked me. The man-beast kicked me!!! Damn piece of....*breathes*. Yeah, my
teammates heard about that one for a long time. I hate people. ARG. ANYWAYS! Heh heh, well DO I HAVE THE SITE FOR YOU.
Make sure u have some caffine, alcohol, or any of your favorite alternatives before u view it. It is the most trippy thing
I have ever seen. ENJOY.
TRIPPY SITE! Check it out.
02/07/02(10:05pm) Ok, ok, well, finally I can update a little easier, the server is fast today.(knocks on wood) Hmm, interesting
day, boring as hell, got bitten by a hamster creature on the way home....the usual. Damnit, I'm out of ketchup(yeah that's
how it's spelled, I looked on the empty bottle.) Now what am I gonna do?! I eat it on everything, I feel poor. Ah well, lets
try some...erm, something on these fries here. *Looks in fridge* Ok, test0rz time: 1.Mustard. ICK! No wonder the bottle
of this shit is still full. 2.Cream Cheese. OK, um, I broke the fry off in the container, now what? 3.Red stuff in
non-labeled jar. *Vomits* 4.Alrighty, lets see here, worcestershire sauce...*passes out* 5.Last try, and then I give
up, I think I already have some kind of food poisoning from eating this stuff that's been in here forever...AH! Seafood sauce...YAHTZEE!!
Bob, we have a winner, but I don't feel so good....*falls*
01/29/02(11:57pm) Hmm, well, late night again. Considering that I have to get up at like 9am,(uhg gawd) I should be sleeping.
But how could I not put in a rant? It's my job right? Shh, it is alright! Well, what in the blue hell should I rant about.
Oh yes, the tripod server. This piece of shit has been nothing but trouble, slow, weird, and who knows what else. It's making
updating this site extremely difficult, and I don't have the will to fight with it at the moment. So yeah, things have been
slow moving, semester break is almost over, damn. Oh, and watch the Emperor's New Groove, heh, funny little movie. Well,
I'm finding myself with a severe lack of sleep, and nothing to remedy it, so I've resulted to playing some online 3D PONG.
Nothing helps to numb the brain better than some mindless playing of pong. Whoever invented that game is a genius. Interesting
stuff, this doesn't look like a rant at all. More like mumbling with some bitching mixed into it.....but then again, isn't
that what a rant is? Ook..well, I need some ideas as to what I should add to the site to keep you guys happy. If it's not
interesting, but you'd like it to be, then sign the gbook, email me, whatever it is, and then lemme know what u think. BAH!!!
I can't rant today, maybe tomorrow will be better. Peace, Tiger
01/24/02(12:15am) Well, I'm sure that this isn't going to be the only rant today, meh. Ever had one of those nights where
you're so tired you could pass out....but you can't. It's almost impossible to sleep, but you couldn't get any more tired
than you already are. Well, this is not late for me, but considering that last night I had about 5 hours of sleep, I'm ready
to take a trip to dreamland. This sucks. Ok, so I decided to listen to music, maybe that'll help me along. Nope. OOOk, how
about reading something boring, that should do the trick. Nooosir. Ok, so I resulted to the good ol fashioned method, watching
tv. Whether I meant to or not, I've been able to pass right out in front of the tv during some boring late night infomercials.
Nothing. I even watched the shopping channel for a good half hour.( I couldn't fall asleep, but I had to turn it off before
I lost my mind.) So, I pondered the situation a little but longer and thought, hey, maybe if I watch music videos. I usually
try to avoid watching Much Music(the Canadian MTV) because it's all pop or rap, and personally, I don't like either. But hey,
I was desperate, and decided just to watch and maybe the combo of the music and crappy tv would put me out. No such luck.
I remember a video of N*Stink and watching about 30 seconds, it no longer looked like a music video, but "a queer drug
hallucination"(ed the sock) from another time. Needless to say, I stopped watching. I just cannot see what others do
in pop music, "sure it's infectious, but so is ebola(sp?)" SO, I ended up here, ranting to you about my lack of
sleep, which makes up for my lackofsleep. Alrighty then, I'll spare you my making no sense and go off to bang my head against
the wall. Sweet dreams. Peace, Tiger
01/23/02 w00t! Alrighty, I am done exams, I am home free, time to celebrate with some chocolate milk. And... big news....
I am now a moderator of the wrestling forum at my message board Crack's Joint. (see link in linkz) BUT, onto todays rant:
Coffee chocolates are gross. Don't eat them. Thank you. Peace, Tiger
01/22/02 Ah, another exam over and done with, one more to go, and I'm freee. Well, for those of you who don't live in
Canada, or Alaska, or the arctic somewhere, I'm commin over to your house. Right now, yes, get the coffee on. I hate winter.
Well maybe not so much winter, but the frickin freeze-your-ass-off weather. I has to bus it home today, and I nearly lost
a body part. It's -20something below today, and I dunked my feet into some scalding hot water as soon as I got home. Soup
has become my best friend, hey, when you're not eating it, you can pour it onto your frozen lifeless body parts.
Don't smoke crack.
Anyways, no cookies still today, arg. I might take the time to pry myself away from my motherboard(comp for those who can't
figure it out) and take a nice little trip through the icy hell to my friendly neighborhood 7-11. I kinda feel like Twinkies
today though. Hmm. Anyone work for Fedex? Send me some. ARG, and another one to add to the list, stupid tripod/trellix
server, whatever the hell it is, has so many problems, bumped me off in the middle of my last rant, so I lost it. Feck, shiet
and all those things. BAH. Peace, Tiger
01/21/02 Alrighty, semester break soon, first one is over and done with...only....we can't get to the second without
my favorite part, exams. Ok, if you didn't catch it, I waz being sarcastic. I hate exams, I loathe them. I hate the stress
and the precious minutes of my life that it takes away to fill in those stupid little circles with a pencil that is never
sharp enough. *breathes* I hate to study, most of the exams that I've taken in my life I haven't studied for, and now all
of a sudden I have to? BAH. Ok, you come home, and you want something to drink. You know that there's some Pepsi(or
in my case...Mountain Dew) in your fridge, so you go over to get some and KABLAMMO! Someone has taken it all. Alright, well
that sucks, but you'll live. So then you go to your cupboard, mmm, maybe I feel like some cookies or something, and then WHAM!
The cookie box is in there.....but there seems to be none left. Alright. So I think I'll manage without some Mountain Dew,
and I'll probably make it through the day without some cookies, but if you leave the f-in box in the cupboard, and I think
that there's some goddam cookies in there, and there really isn't....then that is so it. *has a stroke* Thank you and
goodnite. Peace, Tiger