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Hmm, news and stuff. I guess this is where you would find new stuff out.


Where has the time gone?
It's been a year or so...I decided to check up on the old site, it still exists, and so much has changed. To be honest I'm taking a year off of any type of schooling just to work and experience life. I've been working at my loverly book store Coles for 2 years now, and have picked up a job at a local night club as a DJ. It's been an unreal ride that I still can't believe I'm on. I'm still the same ol nerdy gal who loves all of the same stuff, but have also been forced to mature a bit quicker, being thrown into the industry so fast. Crazy how life is. I'll be back on here more often, I'm just getting back into my internet groove :)

Late night fixin uppins. I just felt like working on the site, cause I haven't done it in a long time. I updated a few things, including the About Me page, which felt kind of....well...outdated. I added a Queer as Folk page just cause I love it that much, and a few odds and ends here and there that you have to go around and look for I guess. There were also some broken links on my links page which=Fixt! So no worries there. I was debating a new layout, but I'm not exactly sure what would work, so fer now I'm stickin with what I got. Enjoy what's up here, oh and visit my deviant art, cause no one else does. http://tigerzeye.deviantart.com

It's been awhile...now I'm not exactly positive as to what to add to the site except rants, but I spose that'll come later. I've made a few updates here and there, just changing minor things, you can browse around the site and find out where they are. Check out my Deviant Art page at http://tigerzeye.deviantart.com

News news....I believe I'm sort of mixing my rants with news, but that's alright for now. I'm going to have to eventually remove the Blind and Torn section it seems. The crappiest news I've gotten lately had been confirmed, sorry I didn't post it sooner. Blind and Torn broke up. I'm not going into details because it's not my band. Their site is still up, only the guestbook, but many comments have been posted in there if you want to leave a comment of your own(Please, only pleasant comments, there's been enough drama). In my honest opinion, those boys are stupid...but hey, if it doesn't work, it doesn't work. So long Blind and Torn.
I'm going to try and separate my rants and news a little bit more, they're kinda blending together. Prolly cause I'm a lazy bastich.
Not too much to update on, little bits and pieces here and there, check through the site to see. I'm slowly editing stuff, but nothing big enough to really mention.

Well folks, I added a section....just for Blind & Torn, because they rock so much. Enjoy what's there, visit their site, contact me for more info if needed.

Blind and Torn....Blind and Torn...
Check em out, you won't regret it  http://blindandtorn.net  Show your support, sign their guestbook, give em feedback, listen to their tunes. New Link in the links section.

Givin it a go again folks. Things are a wee bit rocky, but I'm going for a re-make. It's ALIVE..almost. Fixins are in order and changes are coming, big ones, if you didn't notice already, heh. So peace love and empathy..patience as well, we're goin for another ride....

Alrighty. We're back up...with great diffuculty. Don't be surprised if I move the site within the next month or so. I know I haven't updated anything in a long time, I'll get to that as soon as I fix other problems. It looks a little empty in here now. If you notice anything, like our favorite little friend the red X...lemme know. There's still some things I'm working on...


w00t. 1000 hits, how they ever came, I wouldn't know. Thanks to Candi Ice for the kick ass 1000hits pic. Well, I watched The Crow the other day, and forgot what an amazing movie that was. WATCH IT. Also saw Vanilla Sky. If you're in the mood for a good mind-bending journey, go see it. It's not necessarily a 'thinking' movie, it just kinda messes with your mind. Go see it. It is worth it. Hmm....news news, updates....um, not much to update aboot. Oh yea, a new banner, um, the poll(vote). Can't think...

Alrighty, the lame ass 'forum' is up and um, new rants, thats about it. I removed the music from the rants section, I was getting sick of it, maybe I'll put something new in one of these days. Tripod is trying to sell me bandwith, blah blah.Now, I have removed 'Jackman pics.' So sorry Hugh Fans, that was one of my favorite pages too, but they forced me to do it. I refuse to pay for tripod. That's all she wrote folks.

Hmm, not too much to update(again). Things are slow moving, spring break is on it's way, thank goodness. 2 more days until the weekend, and I can already bet that they'll move slower than.....erm, I can't really think of anything, my brain doesn't seem to be working at the moment. Spring break is already starting to sink in....it's like when you're standing next to a bus, and it starts to drive away, hmm, u think that you're moving, but then you snap out of it and realize that you really aren't, but everything else is.

WOW, I still can't sleep. I saw Queen of the Damned last night and my goodness, it kicked ass. It draws you in, and I am going to see it next weekend. I am a big Interview with the Vampire fan(which u must see before QotD), and I thought that Stuart Townsend wouldn't be the best Lestat, I TAKE IT BACK. That guy has hypnotic eyes, and he just makes Lestat how I pictured him. Well done. Not to mention that this movie waz filled with 'my music'. There waz some KoRn, some Manson, Disturbed. Not to often I go to a movie and it's not pop crap. I LOVED IT. I am still on a major high.

Well, I put the link to Pong up, have fun with it. There are 2 movies coming out soon that I would like to post links and pics to. Queen of the Damned is coming out tomorrow I believe, so I'm a little late on this one, but still, check it out. If you have read any of the Vampire Chronicles or seen the movie Interview with the Vampire, then it is a must see. The second movie is the one with WWF's The Rock in it. I love The Rock, and I enjoyed the Mummy 1&2, so hopefully it will be worthwhile to see.

Alrighty. Well second semester is here for me, and it's a fairly good one. I'm finishing up a whole shit load of stuff soon, so I should be able to work on the site more often. There isn't too much to say, I'll put a permanent link of my favorite game....pong up, so u can all become addicted and play it constantly. I'm playing on 3 sports teams at the moment, and frankly, it's killing me. I am never without a bag of ice. So, ideas, comments, questions, complaints, email me, icq me, add me to your msn, I dont care. I like getting opinions.

01/22/02 2:30pm
Well, poll is gone and rants is up. I've been sluggish in the WWF updates, but I'm a regular result do-er at my message board, so at the end of this brief little message, I'll provide the link. Just check there for RAW/SMACKDOWN results and other news. Still want feedback and opinions, so don't be afraid to email me. I don't bite......hard. ;) Peace,


01/21/02 9:05pm
Well, finally the poll is closed. Skool is hell, semester break is soon, 2 more exams to write, and I'm half way frreeeee. Anywayz, minor changes to the site, a rants section WILL be put in, any comments or objections, email me. I definately need more ideas, this site is boring, maybe the rants will change that. I'm a little busy and a little stressed at the mo(thank cookies I got the house to myself) Also, something you might want to check out, DarkVVulf has updated his site, and it is incredible(link in the links section, get your ass in there and see it) An absolutely amazing site, you won't want to miss it. So until later...

Well it's almost the New Year, and it's time to add some new things to this site. I'm going to close the poll at the end of this week, so if there's something you want to see on here, vote vote vote. So far the rant section is winning. Everything has been slow as of late, even my message boards(yeh, so I don't have a life) But anywayz, get my URL out there so I can get some opinions.

Alrighty, well I'm adding a BtVS update section(as talked about on the home page). I still want some ideas for the site, the poll is still up there and has been very unsuccessful. So if you really want me to put your request on, you can fill in a comment in the poll, or email me, cause otherwise it's not gonna happen.